Who Is Responsible For An Integrated Fridge Freezer Budget? 12 Best Ways To Spend Your Money

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Who Is Responsible For An Integrated Fridge Freezer Budget? 12 Best Ways To Spend Your Money

Integrated Fridge Freezers

Hidden behind subtly integrated fascias, the integrated fridge freezers are an integral part of your dream kitchen. Don't be fooled by the appearance They are brimming with the latest technology and plenty of storage, such as wine racks and four door shelves. They also have twin fruit and vegetables bins.

They may also be equipped with Hettich or Ingol hinges, ensuring years of performance.


Integrated fridge freezers are designed to be able to fit into your kitchen cabinetry and are generally smaller in height than freestanding models. They're an excellent choice if you're looking for a sleek, modern appliance that blends into your cabinets and counters. They're also a great choice if you don't have room in your home for an additional freezer.

When choosing an integrated refrigerator freezer, you should consider certain aspects. One of the main reasons why they cost more is the fact that they are built-in models. This is due to the extra costs of buying and installing a fridge cabinet as well as kitchen cabinet doors and a bridging cabinet to integrate the refrigerator.

Another thing to keep in mind is that fridge freezers integrated aren't easy to maintain. This is because the refrigerator has to be removed from its housing cabinet, and doors for kitchen cabinets must be re-hung, which can take several weeks or even months. Therefore, it is essential to hire a reliable kitchen fitting service that will be able to do the job right.

When considering a new integrated fridge freezer it is important to measure the space carefully before buying it. Be sure to leave some space on either side of the appliance for you to be able to open the doors. You should also check the door hinges on the refrigerator. Many models that are cheap have inferior hinges that aren't designed to handle the weight of a refrigerator and may break after a few months.

Integrated fridge-freezers are available in a variety of widths that can help increase the storage capacity of your home. The depth of the refrigerator can also affect your kitchen cabinets. If you plan to add tall cabinets above your refrigerator, you may need the appliance to be made to a specific length to ensure it is a good fit. Also, make sure to make sure that the ventilation for the fridge is cut properly, as if it's not cut correctly, you may face problems later on.


It's important to consider a number of factors before making a final decision. Freestanding fridge freezers are preferred because they're heavy and can dominate the space. Integrated models are more sleek and seamless and blend into your cabinetry.

They are usually flush with the counters and cabinetry surrounding them. Their doors are inset and do not protrude. They can also be ready for paneling to give your kitchen a an elegant look. A lot of them have stainless steel fronts to give them a stylish and modern appearance.

Despite their appearance they don't reduce storage space, as the freezer compartment can be quite large and is typically located on the bottom of the appliance to give ample space for frozen food items. There are also a variety of widths available. The majority of brands offer between 20 and 24 inches in width which is more than freestanding freezers.

Due to their design and the fact that they are integrated in your kitchen, you will probably find integrated fridges to be more expensive than fridge freezers that are freestanding. The cost of the fridge's housing cabinet and the kitchen cabinets which surround it will increase the overall price.

Some people might find it difficult to move them if they decide to relocate. You will have to remove the entire unit and cabinetry. It's not as easy as disconnecting the appliance and then removing it like with the freestanding model.

The integrated fridges are also more difficult to repair because they are a part of the kitchen you already have. If something goes wrong you have to call an engineer from your fridge to disassemble the appliance and replace any broken parts. This is a costly process and is certainly more expensive than simply purchasing the fridge freezer a replacement.

Energy efficiency

A high-efficiency integrated refrigerator freezer can cut down on your household expenses. It also conserves energy by cutting down on the time it takes to run, and will be more eco-friendly by using less power. Choose models that have an Aor B energy rating to make an impact.

In contrast to freestanding fridge freezers that have separate housings integrated models have doors built into the cabinetry. This lets the fridge blend seamlessly into your kitchen design and give it a sleek, uniform appearance. Certain models come with sliding doors that permit you to open the fridge without opening the cabinet door. Others are panel-ready, meaning that they can be layered with a cabinet door to essentially camouflage the refrigerator behind cabinets in your kitchen.

The disadvantages of integrated fridge freezers are that they tend to be more expensive than other alternatives. This is partly because they're made in smaller quantities and are more of a premium market however it's also due to the extra costs involved when installing them. Additional hinges and panels and the additional expenses of fitting your furniture around a fridge are all elements.

Certain fridge freezers that are integrated require more maintenance, while others require frequent defrosting to eliminate the accumulation of ice. Certain models have been designed to minimise the requirement for this, with Beko's range of fridge freezers that are integrated featuring frost-free technology that minimises defrosting and eases maintenance.

Another important consideration is the capacity of a refrigerator/freezer integrated. The more litres it holds, the more food you can store. Look for models that have at least 150 litres of storage in the fridge and up to 350 for the freezer. You'll find a variety of storage configurations, with shelves that can be arranged in a variety of ways, including drawers that have plenty of room for fresh produce, and bottle racks that can be used to store your larger milk bottles. There are integrated fridge freezers that have 50/50 splits and can be used to store both chilled and frozen food items.


The main advantage of integrated refrigerator freezers is they take up less room than freestanding models. This lets you make the most out of your kitchen.  50/50 fridge freezer  can also be positioned in a flush position with counters and cabinets which creates an elegant design. This design does mean that they have less storage space than their freestanding counterparts.

They are also more expensive to purchase and operate than freestanding refrigerator freezers with similar specifications. This is down to a variety of factors like the costs to design and manufacture, the fact that they're regarded a luxury product, and the additional costs for installation and customization that are associated with them.

It's also more difficult to maintain integrated fridge freezers than freestanding counterparts. This is especially true when you purchase a cheap integrated fridge freezer with poorly-made hinges, which can break easily over the course of time.

Selecting the best integrated fridge freezer for your home will depend on the size of your household and the storage requirements you have. You must also think about how much food you will be storing in your fridge and whether you will be storing large platters or frozen foods. Most integrated fridge freezers have storage capacities of between 150-350 litres. This is enough to store up 19 bags of shopping.

The best integrated refrigerator freezers come with features that help keep your food fresh and healthy. Some models will come with airflow technology, which distributes cool air throughout the shelves, while other models will have antibacterial linings to eliminate the odours. Some models will even have an option for fast-freezing that quickly reduces the temperature of your freezer, ensuring that you can freeze fresh-bought items without them freezing solid.

If you like to keep your meat, fish and dairy products at a specific temperature, then you should look for refrigerators with integrated freezers that have a BioFresh section. These compartments are maintained at a lower level of humidity, and will keep your meat, fish, and dairy fresher for longer than a typical fridge freezer. Meanwhile, fruit and vegetables are kept fresher for longer in a HydroSafe compartment that's maintained at a higher level of humidity.